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Hiking in Hunting Season

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Absolutely everyone should be wearing blaze orange in areas where hunting could be taking place. That color is visible long before the sound of your voice or your activity would alert someone that you are not the intended quarry.  

I gravitate to State Parks and areas specifically closed to hunting during hunting season, but if I'm going to a National Forest area, even a wilderness area, I'll always be wearing at least an orange vest.  There are an awful lot of people not familiar with firearms or the outdoors that suddenly appear during deer season. 

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Absolutely.  There are a lot of folks that come down from the city that think they are in the Wild West.  There is also something called "Buck Fever" and some of these guys will shoot at anything that moves.  To think you are hiking "not near a trail head" will keep you safe is insane.  A hunter can be set up anywhere

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There are a number of states that don't even require hunters to wear safety orange while they hunt: http://www.ihea.com/hunting-and-shooting/requirements/hunter-orange-requirements

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The problem is not only being aware during deer huntng season but other hunting periods for elk, bear and  fowl among others. Even then there's always the danger of running into a poacher.It's always good to be aware of your surroundings and observe the vehicles at the trailhead for signs that they may belong to hunters. 

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Our state does require licensed hunters to wear so many square inches of blaze orange, but it's only recommended for general public users (unless they happen to be on specific state-owned game management (hunting) areas, which they aren't really supposed to do during hunting seasons unless they are hunting.  I either stay home during deer rifle season or go someplace where hunting isn't allowed and poaching isn't likely...not too concerned about blackpowder season or turkey seasons.  In the past I went to some national forest trails during deer rifle season...just too busy and noisy for me, so I just let them have their week of enjoyment now.  I hate blaze orange but it's the best choice...fluorescent yellow or green are good, if allowed, or bright blues.  Just don't wear white hats, gloves, bandannas, etc. lest you appear to be a whitetail's white tail. 

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Our deer firearms season lasts 16 days in November and then, a couple of years ago, they added another season from December 26-Januray 3 so that is too long to stay out of the woods.  I enter the state forest from my own property (borders it) and made my own trail so I don't necessarily see the trail head although sometimes I will hop in my car and drive to the trail head to see if there are any vehicles.  When I first moved here, the gunfire was like Fallajuh but, over the years, hiking every day, it has quieted down considerably.   I guess they know I am going to be out there no matter what, rain or shine, snow or sleet.  :) 

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During rifle deer season I just do not hike where hunting is allowed. Fortunately there are a few trails nearby where hunting is not allowed.

In October small game season, hiking with several others in a state forest area, we met a young woman who was hunting rabbits. She had on the required orange vest as well as an orange cap and gloves. Strange thing was an older man was with the woman but he was dressed all in brown and black. Supposedly since he was not carrying a gun he was not hunting.


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I came across a man on a horse a couple months ago when I was hiking in the boonies.   His horse had orange tape clothespinned to his head and tail.


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