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Who is the best presidential candidate for hikers?


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There's about 20 people in congress who are pushing the idea of turning over public lands to states or even selling some to private parties. It is a very dangerous idea and in my state of Oregon and Nevada crazies like the Bundys (not the funny Al Bundy) are using guns to put this point accross. Federal lands belong to everyone in this country and are both part of our heritage and  an absolute necessity that provides open space, trees and other vegatation to replenish our atmosphere and  ecosystems that keeps everything together and insures our future survival. To turn it over to states or private interests to be destroyed is unimaginable. I'm with you, the whole discussion makes me uneasy.

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In general who would be better republicans or democrats?

The republicans might want to give back land but the dems want to open the border...... 

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I would not necessarily trust  any Democrat or Republican politician. The fate of this country lies with the people, not politicians, and how they view their relationship to the rest of nature. Yes, we are part of nature but unfortunately many have a difficult time grasping that fact when they're surrounded by technology. Even though humans consider themselves the masters of the planet the real truth is that we're far more dependent on the rest of nature for our survival than the other way around. Failing to understand that continues to place the human species in jeapody as they wreak havok on the rest of nature. Until the majority of people understand that neither political parties or anything else has much relevance.

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