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How Not to Lose Your Tent Stakes: Heat Shrink Tubing

Aaron Zagrodnick



Although the venerable titanium shepherd's hook stake is an ultralight favorite, if you've ever used a set you know that one of their drawbacks is their ability to blend into their surroundings when loose on the ground. This can make packing up in the morning frustratingly difficult as you search for that last stake that's somewhere on the ground in a very specific area, but seemingly invisible. To assist, there is one way that will help ensure your set of titanium shepherd's hook stakes all stay together and find their way back to your stake bag as quickly as possible.

Using Heat Shrink Tubing for Your Tent Stakes

Don't look to paint that chips off to solve the problem - buy a supply of heat-shrink tubing in your favorite bright color - you'll need something in the 1/8" or 3/32" size (3/32" is easiest to use but can be hard to find). You can find both sizes here at Amazon.com. Slide the tubing on your stake, using an inchworm technique if needed. Either precut your tubing (you'll need about 2" per stake) or slide the tubing on and then cut at the desired location.

Heat Shrink Tubing for Backpacking Tent Stakes

Resist the temptation to use the heat from a lighter to set the tubing - The yellow flame will cover your new tubing with a sooty residue. A hair dryer, or the clean blue flame from a canister stove or similar works well. Your local electronics store or various online retailers are your best bet for supplies. You can find various sizes (and in a wide selection of bright colors) of heat shrink tubing at Amazon.

For more on tent stakes, see our full guide on backpacking tent stakes.



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