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Review: Sawyer 3 Way SP122 Filter

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

In the never ending quest to lighten my pack I've eliminated quite a few things from my gear list over the years, and have sought out lighter alternatives to the items that still remained on the list - But one thing I never gave up on was the pump water filter that I've always used since I started backpacking. Sure, I've traded heavier pump filters for lighter pumps as I've gone along, but the filter always remained one of the heaviest things in my pack. This spring I took advantage of a sale and decided to pick up a Sawyer 3 Way SP122 filter. I had my doubts that it would be an impressive enough product to replace my heavy pump filter, but I thought it was at least worth a shot...

An in-depth evaluation of Sawyer's 3 Way filter for use inline and in a gravity configuration - Read the full review below in Issue #3:

Review: Sawyer 3 Way SP122 Filter

Issue #3 Page 1

Review: Sawyer 3 Way SP122 Filter

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