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Hiking Strategy and Food


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I know this question is a little off topic food wise but I will loop it back to food. I haven't attempted to hike 5 mountains in a week and a half. I was wondering if it is bad to hike a mountain a day (6-10 hour hike) or if I should put a day between them or a day off every 2 hikes. I'm trying to cram a lot into a short amount of time. I would hike North Dome, Half Dome, May Lake, Glacier Point and the Mirror Lake trail in Yosemite. There would be a week between Yosemite and Mt. St. Helen's. I'll do a small schedule below so it's less confusing. The loop back to food would be me asking if eating unhealthy food would make me sick since I'm doing this much hiking or if it is ok to eat something greasy or starchy at the end of the day lol.


August 25th-August 30th Yosemite

Sometime the first week of September I'll hike the Tennessee Valley area near Mill Valley CA. That should be a lighter hike since it's with a friend of mine.

September 15th Mt. St. Helens

The elevation will range from 2k to 10k feet. Let me know if there is a order I should go in for that. I've hiked to an elevation of 4,458 feet but nothing higher than that.

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Depends on you. It sounds very doable for me and I wouldn't take a day off between climbs. I'd also bag 2 or 3 more volcanoes on the way to St. Helens, eat lots of burgers & pizza and drink lots of beer, and call it a great vacation. But I've done a bunch of trips like that. Climbing mountains burns a lot of calories and my body processes hamburgers really efficiently on climbing trips.

I say go for it. Eat what satisfies. Take a day off when you feel like it and just enjoy being in the mountains.

You might also research Lassen, Shasta, McLaughlin, South Sister, Hood & Adams and see if you want to add to the schedule.

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