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A Few New Features

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Just a quick overview of a few new features -



1) Follow Button: Clicking this button on a post, forum, blog post, etc. allows you to receive a notification when something new is added.

2) Rate: This can be found on topics and around the site. Great thread? Pretty good but not your favorite? Just a small way to share some feedback.

3) Quote: If you'd like to quote a post, click this button, then clicking the 2nd button that will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen. Keep in mind that as you're browsing a topic, you can click this multiple times to quote more than 1 post.

4) Like This: You'll see this for every post other than your own. So if you like something, like it! Clicking this also adds to that person's reputation. (Shown as +12 below my avatar above)


5) Notifications: Stay up to date when someone else responds to something you've followed, someone likes your post, etc.

6) @ Mentions: You can now mention someone on the forum, and they'll receive a notification that they've been mentioned. Great for those "They need to see this" moments, etc. To fire it up, type an @ sign and then type the start of that person's name, then select from the list that's displayed.

7) Drag and Drop: Browsing for photos, selecting, uploading, all no more. Drag from your photos folder on your computer, from your desktop etc. then click the plus sign to insert where you'd like in a post. Or click choose files / insert other media for more options or from a mobile device.


8) Better on Your Smartphone: Overall, everything is just a little bit more mobile friendly. Tip: Away from the computer my favorite way to access the site...is to just add a home screen icon to my phone. Browse to your favorite page of choice on your phone, ( I like http://www.trailgroove.com/activity/ ) and add the link to your home screen for easy access. 

As always questions / concerns just let me know! :)


Edited by Aaron
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Just a quick overview of a few new features -



1) Follow Button: Clicking this button on a post, forum, blog post, etc. allows you to receive a notification when something new is added.

2) Rate: This can be found on topics and around the site. Great thread? Pretty good but not your favorite? Just a small way to share some feedback.

3) Quote: If you'd like to quote a post, click this button, then clicking the 2nd button that will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen. Keep in mind that as you're browsing a topic, you can click this multiple times to quote more than 1 post.

4) Like This: You'll see this for every post other than your own. So if you like something, like it! Clicking this also adds to that person's reputation. (Shown as +12 below my avatar above)


5) Notifications: Stay up to date when someone else responds to something you've followed, someone likes your post, etc.

6) @ Mentions: You can now mention someone on the forum, and they'll receive a notification that they've been mentioned. Great for those "They need to see this" moments, etc. To fire it up, type an @ sign and then type the start of that person's name, then select from the list that's displayed.

7) Drag and Drop: Browsing for photos, selecting, uploading, all no more. Drag from your photos folder on your computer, from your desktop etc. then click the plus sign to insert where you'd like in a post. Or click choose files / insert other media for more options or from a mobile device.


8) Better on Your Smartphone: Overall, everything is just a little bit more mobile friendly. TIp: Away from the computer my favorite way to access the site...is to just add a home screen icon to my phone. Browse to your favorite page of choice on your phone, ( I like http://www.trailgroove.com/activity/ ) and add the link to your home screen for easy access. 

As always questions / concerns just let me know! :)



Yes, I like this!



Gary M

Edited by Gary M
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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks @Gary M, on the mentions and a how to...here's a screenshot that might illustrate the process of making it work a little better - Just make sure to click the name once the results show up and you should be good! 




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