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Emigrant Lake - 4th of July


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Having the 4th of July land on a Wednesday felt like I was playing hooky from work. Playing hooky and taking a hike in the woods is a double mental break from life's pressures.

My friends and I went up to Emigrant Lake in the Mokelumne Wilderness near Caples Lake on Hwy 88. We hiked a total of just under 9 miles.

The hike is a fairly easy one. The first 2 miles is pretty flat as the trail skirts the shoreline on Caples Lake.

Then the trail starts a gradual climb - just 800 feet elevation gain over the next 2 miles. We cross a couple of streams made easy by the low flow coming out of Emigrant Lake but I am told when the water is flowing after a good winter, it gets flowing pretty strong. We came across the biggest single boulder I have ever seen!

The wildflowers were out as well as the mosquitos!

In addition to the usual suspects of Lupine, Columbine and Paintbrush, I saw a Lillies and a couple Alpine Shooting Star along the trail. I can't recall ever having seen the Shooting Star in person before. Before too long we passed a couple of waterfalls, rounded a corner and we were at the lake for lunch.

There are signs posted 'no camping within 300 feet of the lake' so I scoped out some good camping spots on the rocks. The winds were quite brisk so the shelter of the rocks would be a good thing.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July...playing hooky. I know I did. :D









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I'm a flatlander and don't make it to the "real" mountains much but really enjoy it when I do. Looks very nice there.

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