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If you could live anywhere in the US....


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I know this has been done before, but I thought it would be fun to see what folks here think, since there seems to be a good representation of the states. I'm hoping to retire in 3 years and I'm starting to think about where I want to live. I'm in education in TX(tied to pension plan) and while I really like the area I live in for now, it's really not conducive to backpacking or paddling. I'm 4 hrs from the nearest of each. Things important to me: decent climate,where I live now I can backpack 5-6 mos of the year, but the summers are brutal, so I switch to paddling, or go out of state. I don't want to contend with frequent tornadoes, earthquakes, or tsunamis, and I like sunshine, so long winters are not my cup o' tea. So, recommendations? :)

Edited by Leigh
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Oregon is a great place to backpack year round. I'm on the coast and the temps are 80 summer highs and 25 winter lows. But 10 months out of the year it is spring and fall. Yes we do get allot of rain for 4-6 months. That turns off many people but I head out anyway, you just have to have the right gear. Besides the threat of a tsunami. this is heaven.

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I'm partial to the Rocky Mountains, although that is probably more winter than you would like. The good thing about living in the higher elevation is that the sun is always warm and bright, even in winter.

If I were to move anywhere else, I'd probably put Oregon or Washington on the top of the list due to the easy access to outdoor activities and general mild climate. I'm curious to see what others suggest :)

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My vote...Northern Nevada. I live in Carson City. state Capitol, no state taxes. Wide open spaces. High desert and mountains. Less bugs per capita. No humidity. No tornados. Very rarely an earthquake. No hurricanes. 4 seasons. Close proximity to Lake Tahoe and the Sierras. 4-5 hours from San Francisco if you need a city fix. Some snow in winter. Lovely spring, warm/hot summers. Nice fall with the Cottonwoods and Aspens changing colors.

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  • 1 month later...

While I have never been I think a place somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, maybe the Olympic Peninsula, Leavenworth maybe near Portland. Somewhere with mountains and trees for sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To ADKinLA as far as the Olympic Pen is concerned make it on the rainshadow side by Sequim, the other side gets hundreds of inches of rain per year. It's a rain forest, nice to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

I live on the eastern side of the of the Cascades & love it, Leavenworth is nice but gets a bit of snow & lots of tourists. Bend Or is also a great place but growing quickly.

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My wife and I plan to move to Montana once my daughter grows up... but to be honest, that is so far in the future, it is hard to say what WILL happen between now and then... However, I can say that as long as I get to move somewhere out west, I will be excited... And of course as long as it is close to some good hiking... :)

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Stick, the West is pretty crazy, there is SO much land out here. The variety of terrain, types of trails and huge swaths of land with no people on it (especially true of Montana from what I hear) makes it so different from the East. I am really digging it out here after moving out to SoCal about 2 years ago.

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