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Remember Colin Fletcher ?


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I'm sure most people remember Colin Fletcher who is known as the "father of modern backpacking". He was the first to hike the length of California in the 50s, much of which is now part of the PCT and later became the first person to backpack the entire length of Grand Canyon National Park along the Colorado. At age 67 he traveled the entire length of the Colorado River from it's source. Plus of course he wrote The Complete Hiker series.

I'm excited to announce that Dr Robert Wehrman has written Walking Man - The Secret Life of Colin Fletcher. The book is about  518 pages long and I 've had an opportunity to read a draft of it. It reads like a work of fiction and not a biography thanks to the amazing resources available to Dr Wehrman. Dr Wehrman has just started a kickstarter project to get the book published and I  hope everyone who reads this magazine will support it. Details about the Kickstarter project can be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1065102948/colin-fletcher-the-walking-mans-biography?ref=discovery





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Those were great books. You might also enjoy The Man Who Walked Through Time which is about backpacking the entire length of the Grand Canyon National Park along the river- a first by any person.

Robert Wehrman is still attempting  to get his biography of Colin published although not through Kickstarter. He has someone working on a web site and when completed people can make donations through Pay Pal. I keep in regular contact with Dr. Wehrman and will  post here when his site is up and running. I really hope it gets published because it's an amazing book about an eccentric hiker who loved to explore but lived an almost bizarre  life. I was given a draft of the book by Dr. Wehrman and have read it twice. I'm sure that once it's published it will become a classic, especially for those who enjoy hiking and backpacking or simply being out in nature.

Edited by lonerock
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