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North Country Trail Trip , Fall 2015


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My husband and I decided to repeat a trip we took together 8 years ago along the NCT in Michigan's upper peninsula.  The first time we did this trip the trail was rough.  There were lots of trees down and the trail was not well defined and difficult to follow.  This time around things were 100% better.  We got started late so really had to hoof it to get to our first site before dark and we barely made it.  We left from Brevort camp rd and hiked to the Carp River.  Got there just before dark to find the wilderness campsite we used last time was not really there anymore.  We did see a site someone set up literally on the side of the trail at the edge of the bridge .  Had there been more daylight left we would have explored more and found the beautiful sight across the bridge right on the rivers edge.  It was a rough night unfortunately.  My husband was sick with a cold, we took our 1yr old american bulldog for his first hike, it was a full moon and the campsite was lumpy and uneven lol!  It was so calm and quiet every little noise spooked the dog and he would be up pacing around the tent.  Eventually he crawled in my husbands sleeping bag, curled up at his feet and went to sleep.  It was a bit of a restless night for all of us but it was a gorgeous hike and one of the most beautiful sunrises I've seen in a long time.  Next time we are going to try a new stretch of the trail and see what's up ahead.  Very likely we will leave the dog at home next time as well.  Supposedly there is something called Flat rock falls about 2 miles north of the carp river and we didnt get a chance to make it there.  I definitely want to look for that next time.  We had to cut the trip short due to illness which really sucked but looking forward to trying again next summer

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Two years ago I hiked from Brevort Lake to Tahquamenon Falls. I had not hiked with the other two before. Like you saw the first time, there were lots of trees down. The last night we camped at the Tahquamenon River mouth CG. Then the next day the plan was to hike on to the Falls campground. We got about 2 miles from the river mouth CG and found the trail flooded by beavers. I sat down and put on my camp shoes. The other two caught up just as I stepped in the water. One look and they said they would wait for me back at the river mouth  campground. I hiked on through to my Jeep at the Falls campground. I took a shower before I drove back to pick them up.

I haven't hiked with them since. Hope your next hike goes better.


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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks for the report gardnergirl...hopefully that sunrise was worth the lack of rest! I've done a little backpacking in the U.P. in the Porcupine Mountains...still a lot up there I'd like to check out. 

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