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Issue 26 Released

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Issue 26 of TrailGroove Magazine is now available! Click the preceding link or the cover below to take a look:

Backpacking / Hiking Magazine - TG Issue 26

In This Issue:

Jargon: VBL

Trail News

Trail Tip: Keeping Water from Freezing in Winter

Winter Backpacking

Thru-hiking the Hayduke Trail

Mind Over Matter - The Psychology of Lost

Noble Canyon by Night

MSR Lightning Explore Snowshoe Review

Into the Great White: Snow Camping on Rainier

Gear Mash

Photos Tips from the Trail: Reflections

Media: Unbranded

Backcountry Cuisine: Banana Nut Rice Pudding

Twice the Effort, Half the Miles

158 free pages dedicated to backpacking and hiking. Special thanks to all of our readers and contributors for your support and contributions towards the latest issue! If it's your first time viewing the magazine, we suggest starting on Page 1 for viewing tips and tricks. Prefer a different format or want to view the magazine offline? A PDF is also available individually or included with a premium membership. Your input is highly appreciated. Let us know what you thought about Issue 26 here on the TrailGroove Forum, or shoot us an email anytime. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for Issue 27, due out in March.

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I was looking forward to sitting uninterrupted to read the magazine cover to cover but after a glance at the table of contents I had to jump right to the Winter Camping article.  

I went snowshoeing a couple weekends ago on Carson Pass and it was beautiful.  Easily five feet of snow on the trail (as evidenced by the top of the wilderness sign poking through the trail we stood on).  As we neared Winnemucca Lake, our destination, the wind was really howling so we turned back.   We made our way back to the trailhead and we came upon 4 hearty souls who were coming back from a 2 night camping trip at Frog Lake.  Following them out I was thinking I would LOVE to try that.  

Later that evening as I was posting my photos on FB I hinted to my husband not so subtly "Honey, I need a 4 season tent and a sled!"







and I might add,  as a Premium Member, I love the email I get letting me know a new magazine has been posted.  Thanks Aaron.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick
15 hours ago, TollerMom said:

and I might add,  as a Premium Member, I love the email I get letting me know a new magazine has been posted.  Thanks Aaron.

No problem TollerMom, we'll continue to make sure you're the first to know. :) Looks some serious snow out there! Snow has been pretty light here, but the next couple months may end up changing that.

15 hours ago, PaulMags said:

Aaron, really loved your winter backpacking essay. Well done!

(And not just because you mentioned me. :) )

Thanks Paul! Appreciate the kind words...was wondering if you'd catch that one! :D Thanks for sharing all of your insight in regards to the winter backpacking article as well, excellent information and inspiration!

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