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Layers cold weather


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I live in the South East, so it aint Colorado temperatures.

Following this article....http://www.pmags.com/the-budget-backpacking-kit

for cold weather layers, I would buy:

Polypropene top and bottom

Fleece 100-200 weight

Light down jacket.

Not clear if I need another top layer?

Not clear what to wear over the polypropene bottoms?

Merino wool socks or running socks?

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You need a wind/waterproof shell on top to keep the warmth in and the wet out. 

Obviously you need pants. I wear nylon convertibles and take light (2 oz) wind pants if I'm going to be hiking in exposed areas. Because I wear a poncho, I don't take rain pants, but many hikers do. 

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I live in the SE as well (KY). What are you planning on doing? Hiking or Camping? When are you planning on doing it? What places like Colorado or Wyoming consider 3 season describes about 11 months of the year in the SE.

I only use a down jacket if I am camping from Nov - Feb and sometimes not even then, basically, the overnight temp has to drop into the mid 30's before I need something more than a fleece with maybe my rain jacket as an extra layer. From a hiking point of view, my down jacket is way to warm even if the temperature is in the mid 20s, especially with a pack heading up hill.

For sleeping, I have Patagonia Cap4 top and bottom. Both are way to warm for hiking if the temperature is right around freezing. They are great for sleeping though. For hiking in the 30s I have some running pants that are a softshell material. If it is in the 40s, I hike in shorts.

Socks, I have a mix of Darn Tough and Smartwool socks in different weights/thicknesses depending on the temperature.

hope that helps

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I would say you'll probably be a bit too toasty in poly pros fleece and down. I would say get a light, breathable water-proof and wind-proof outer layer with polypros under that and maybe a fleece if it really gets nippy.

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