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Speaking of books---audio books


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As we drive to the trailhead, the radio stations began to drift off into static and fading holy roller broadcasts....and we've taken to  listening to lectures on CDs about various topics.  One of the recent series of lectures is about ancient cities, from CatalHayuk in Turkey to Knossos on Crete...

And the archeologists always seem to make a big deal about the orientation of these cities and temples---facing the rising sun in the East, open to the setting sun in the West, oriented North South around a central axis...

And we couldn't help thinking that this may not be quite so rooted in ritual and religion as they seem to imply.  When we pick a campsite, one of the things we look for is morning sun, to help us get up and get warm in the morning.  And views of the sunset (and a little warming light at the end of the day) are also a good idea.

Meanwhile, where we live in Napa, the grape-growers know to plant their views on a North/South axis so each side of the vine gets equal sun, and the grapes on one side don't get burned...

So is your tent a nice campsite, or is it a temporary temple?

It seems like these are all things that people who lived their lives without electric lights would understand and internalize quite quickly.  But is it religion?  Or is it just good common sense?

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

For some reason, I've never been able to get into audio books but maybe I should try again to catch up on some reading / listening in any way that I can I suppose. Usually I have music on for that final part of the trip to the trailhead - just have to be careful on that last song as it always seems to stick in my head throughout the trip! But yes, always on the lookout for that perfect campsite with the right combination of sun / stars / wind (bugs) or no wind (cold), right elevation in regards to the low temps, etc.

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