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Trip Help PLEASE


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Was planning a 40 mile backpacking trip through the Nantahala Mountains in NC next week, but it looks like thunderstorms may push for a change of plans. I have posted under another area on the forum and any suggestions in this region would be greatly appreciated, we are open to pretty much anything 10 hrs or less from Ann Arbor MI. There would be 5 of us, 3 tents if that makes a difference anywhere. 

Thank you!  

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I have no idea what the weather is like this time of year, but I have wanted to see Isle Royale for a long time. You should go there and report back so I can live vicariously through your experiences :)

It looks like it would be a long drive and then the boat ride, but I'll bet you would not see too many people.

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The North Country Trail Through the Manistee National forest would be a shorter drive. Between Newago and Mesick is over 100 miles. It would be easy to plan a 40 mile hike if you already had maps in hand.

The NCT does not get near the number of hikers as the AT.

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  • 1 month later...

It was amazing! It was mostly cooperative, had a pretty intense night on the top of a mountain with Tstorms and wind but was worth it! We did the whole 41 mile section. 

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