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Backpacker GrC-BryceC & Staying at the bottom of the Canyon


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Hello, and thanks for having a look at my post.

I am helping a friend who planned a somewhat spontaneous trip to the Grand Canyon area and has discovered that traveling within the parks, and getting from park to park, may be more difficult than she anticipated.

She would like to get from Grand Canyon Village (or around- Tusayan, TenX Campground) to Bryce Canyon on June 28 or 29.

She knows of a bus that does this for $300 but she is hoping to find cheaper and/or on a different schedule. Anyone have advice on that?

In addition, it seems she is late to get a permit to stay at the bottom of the Grand Canyon from the Back Country National Permit Office; However, we have learned that it is legal to drop a tent along the National Forest Service roads without a permit. Perhaps someone can recommend a spot just outside National Park land where she could have the "bottom of the canyon" experience?

Thanks a bunch,


Edited by Dotti
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