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trekking pole recomendation


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Hello all,

I'm hoping for a recommendation for a  proper set of trekking  poles.

Back in the 1970's I backpacked many hundreds of miles throughout the USA.

Now I'm older and have stage 4 cancer. That, and the oral chemotherapy I take daily leave me chronically tired and a bit dizzy. In October I'll be in Italy for two weeks walking rural and city terrain several hours a day. 

I'm looking for a set of trekking poles that'll help me with walking (I'm building my endurance and am up to 1.5 miles/day). There are lots of brands and sales online and welcome any suggestions in low to mid-priced poles that will suit my needs. Sierra Trading Post has:

LEKI Trail Trekking Poles - Anti-Shock @ $60/pair

Komperdell Basic Trekking Poles @ $40/pair

LEKI Summit Anti-Shock Trekking Poles @ $60/pair

Mountainsmith Pinnacle Trekking Poles @ $19/pair

I'm a big guy, 240 lbs.

Any preferences in the ones I mentioned or any other recs are very much appreciated.

I checked out the   CASCADE MOUNTAIN TECH CARBON FIBER poles sold at Costco last year that were recommended here.. They no longer carry them.

Edited by mano
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The clip-lock poles are much easier to deal with than the ones you have to twist, so I recommend looking for those. I think anti-shock is an unnecessary gimmick.  I'd go with something cheap, aluminum, and simple to start with - any sporting goods store, WalMart or Target probably has something that would work fine.

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Thanks  for your  recommendations. I just bought the Cascade Mountain Tech Carbon Fiber Quick Lock Trekking Poles. They were $42.00 for the cork handle version. Quick lock and no anti-shock.The expert and buyer reviews are all very positive. I'm optimistic that I got a set of affordable utilitarian poles that are just what I need. 

I'll get a set of extra rubber tips, too.

Best regards,


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