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Issue 30 Released

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

Issue 30 of TrailGroove Magazine is now available! Click the preceding link or the cover below to take a look:

TrailGroove Backpacking and Hiking Magazine - Issue 30.jpg

In This Issue:

Jargon: Prepositioning

Trail News

Trail Tip: Shoulder Season Heater

East Tonto Trail, Grand Canyon

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Enchanted New Mexico

Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness

Beark Vault BV450 Review

Wildflowers Along the PCT

Gear Mash

Photo Tips from the Trail: Fog

Oatmeal Cookie Warmer


Six Legs and Six Lakes

160 free pages dedicated to backpacking and hiking. Special thanks to all of our readers and contributors for your support and contributions towards the latest issue! If it's your first time viewing the magazine, we suggest starting on Page 1 for viewing tips and tricks. Prefer a different format or want to view the magazine offline? A PDF is also available individually or included with a premium membership. Your input is highly appreciated. Let us know what you thought about Issue 30 here on the TrailGroove Forum, or contact us anytime. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for Issue 31, due out in November.

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