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Photographing the Southern Appalachian Mountains

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

The mountains of east Tennessee and western North Carolina provide world-class beauty and adventure for even the most well-traveled hiker. From craggy peaks above the clouds to dense canopy forests encased in fog, You're likely to experience many moments worth remembering. Should you desire to capture some of your favorite moments, a little bit of preparation will go a long way.  For folks with a desire to photograph the magnificence of this region, here are some pointers to give you a season-by-season head start...

@SparbaniePhoto with a set of tips on photographing this region throughout the seasons - check out the full article in Issue 31:

Photographing Southern Appalachia through the Seasons

Photographing and Hiking in the Southern Appalachian Mountains.JPG

Issue 31 Page 1

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