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Looking for Texas hiking locations


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My name is Daniel and i live in the coastal bend region of Texas. I recently traveled to Colorado and did some hiking to see formations and mountain ranges out there. needless to say, i was instantly hooked on the freedom and adventure. this brings me to the reason for typing this post. as soon as i finish my summer courses i want to travel around Texas hitting as many hiking trails, parks, and everything that comes with them. I will have about a 3 week break before fall classes. I was thinking of traveling clockwise around the state but seeing as i'm a amateur i was hoping that this forum will connect me to people who have experience on these trips and can give me insight to how i should go on planning, preparation and perhaps a route of roads i can take that will help me hit as many spots efficiently. i am open to any advice anyone may have. thank you in advance for any help. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the fall, look at the Lone Star Tr(easy hiking) with its added loop mileage in the Big Thicket area, Guadalupe NP, Big Bend NP(it should still be hot though depending on specific fall visitation dates), and since you're up by Guadalupe NP take in Carlsbad Caverns NP with its many cave hikes and considering a ridge and canyon hike from Carlbad caverns to Guadalupe NP. It's what I did one fall after a Colorado Tr Thru-hike and enjoyed immensely the diversity of experiences.     

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  • 9 months later...

All those. Franklin SP is also nice. The Ridge Tr. combined with other on and off trail routes can make for a multI day trip. TX is not all flat!

Easy to do multiple several day or one wk long hike in Big Bend NP. Outer Loop  with many add ons is nice.

3-5 days in Guadalupe NP is possible. McKittrick and Devis Staircase is nice in the fall. Adding in an off trail to El Kapitan  summit on the way to the TX high pt of  Mt Guadalupe extends the summit experience. A Guadalupe Traverse for the experience scrambler and route finder with above avg water logistics with a side trip to McKittrick  is a great way to take in more of G NP.

A Lone Star Tr thru is a pancake hike but gets you out and can be used as a shake down hike for a longer hike.

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