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Jargon 36: Stealth Camping

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Stealth camping is more or less another term for discreet dispersed camping. This refers to camping in a non-designated campsite or not in or at a shelter site on more popular trails. Stealth camping can also be a term used to refer to camping in areas where...

Get the full scoop on stealth camping, a term you may hear used when it comes to selecting a campsite location:

Jargon 36: Stealth Camping

Stealth Camping Definition

Issue 36 Page 1

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It can lead to "the best and not so great campsites you've ever had."  Aint that the truth, and sometimes it's both!  This past summer, I stealth-camped in a recent burn.  Had no choice as it was late and the burn was large.  It was dirty and black and gross.  But when I awoke the next morning and saw all the purple wildflowers around me ad the rising sun coming through the burnt trees, it was also magical.  

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Sounds like a welcome surprise without a doubt. While I usually like to setup camp before sunset I've had my share of days where I'm hiking by headlamp and setup camp where I can in the dark...it's always interesting what daylight brings the next morning to an unfamiliar place.

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