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Trail News 38

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

In the latest installment of Trail News, @PaulMags covers topics ranging from the relaunch of GoLite to changes in the Boy Scouts and cell phone signal in the outdoors. Take a look in Issue 38:

Trail News

Issue 38 Page 1

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According to BSA Troops (for 11-17 year olds) are NOT coed.  Troops are single gender, however the chartering organization (church, VFW, etc.) can have one troop committee that serves an all-male troop and all-female troop.

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"Mix gendered" meaning exactly what in practice? Whatever gender anyone identifies   themselves to be, including transgendered persons, transvestites, neutrals, cross dressers, etc?  "...it is important that all youth can see themselves in Scouting in every way possible." That strongly sounds like soft pitching  gender identity. There are some who may not want their children or themselves as adults to participate under some circumstances that can be  foreseen with this open ended language and behavior short to follow. 

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22 hours ago, PaulMags said:

Specifically said "Scout troops (ages 11-18) will be potentially mix gendered."


As in with linked troops, the potential is there. And de facto, if not de jure, the linked troops will end up being coed.

According to paragraph 7 of the link you posted, it states:  "Beginning during the scheduled launch of Feb. 1, 2019, girls can join all-girl troops. Boys can continue to join all-boy troops. Scouts BSA will not have any mixed-gender, or coed, troops." 

National has stated that linked troops can be together for the meeting opening and closing, but the everything in-between is supposed to be separate.  I emphasize "supposed to be" according to standards of the BSA.  I am not trying to be argumentative.  Only stating the new standards as they have been relayed to me.

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