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Books to read


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We love to read about the Sierra--not just hiking books and trail guides, but history about the region and its wonderful and often crazy people.So this holiday season we noticed a book in our local independent bookstore:  Sierra Stories by Gary Noy. 

Gary was born in Grass Valley and for the past twenty-five years taught history at Sierra Community College.  And we wish we could have taken a class from him.  He is clearly one of those teachers who doesn't stop at covering the basics, but rather dives into the subject matter and makes it come to life for his students.  He also knows how to tell a story.

And what could be more relevant and interesting to students at Sierra Community College than the fascinating history of the Sierra itself?

Gary has published a series of books on the topic.  We're reading Sierra Stories right now, but will certainly move on to read his other titles, including the soon to be published Hellacious California: Tales of Rascality, Revelry, Dissipation, Depravity and the Birth of the Golden State (Heyday Books and Sierra College Press). 

We hope you find some of these books locally, but if not, you can find them on the huge web book retailers.  It's just not as much fun as buying from a local bookstore.

Here's a link to Gary's website, where you can learn more about him and the books he writes.  Highly recommended. http://www.garynoy.com/home.html

Check him out!

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On 1/27/2020 at 1:30 PM, balzaccom said:

We love to read about the Sierra--not just hiking books and trail guides, but history about the region and its wonderful and often crazy people.So this holiday season we noticed a book in our local independent bookstore:  Sierra Stories by Gary Noy. 

Gary was born in Grass Valley and for the past twenty-five years taught history at Sierra Community College.  And we wish we could have taken a class from him.  He is clearly one of those teachers who doesn't stop at covering the basics, but rather dives into the subject matter and makes it come to life for his students.  He also knows how to tell a story.

And what could be more relevant and interesting to students at Sierra Community College than the fascinating history of the Sierra itself?

Gary has published a series of books on the topic.  We're reading Sierra Stories right now, but will certainly move on to read his other titles, including the soon to be published Hellacious California: Tales of Rascality, Revelry, Dissipation, Depravity and the Birth of the Golden State (Heyday Books and Sierra College Press). 

We hope you find some of these books locally, but if not, you can find them on the huge web book retailers.  It's just not as much fun as buying from a local bookstore.

Here's a link to Gary's website, where you can learn more about him and the books he writes.  Highly recommended. http://www.garynoy.com/home.html

Check him out!

Thanks as I enjoyed your post and suggested readings. I also enjoyed the links and video's within each. I would like to suggest to you some "fiction" books written by a former U.S. National Park Ranger, named Nevada Barr. The stories take place inside National Parks, so you get the feel of the National Park. The stories are crime related, I have not read all but enjoyed the ones I did read. Here is a website link.


Hope you like and I'm not out of line with this suggestion.


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We've read a number of Barr's books.  Fun reads, but as one ranger I know said, Anna Pigeon (the protagonist) breaks protocols so often she'd be fired before the book was half over ..

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