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Exploring Wyoming's Breathtaking Bighorn Mountains

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

As I drove to the trailhead the mountains were hidden in the clouds. The highway allowed me to drive 80 mph through vast open spaces with few signs of human activity. The rain fell heavily. Although a Michigander at heart, a few weeks earlier I had set out on temporary work that would allow the opportunity for adventures out West. While I had enjoyed many backpacking adventures in the West, this short overnighter would be my first near my new home. The Bighorn Mountains in north central Wyoming aren’t as famous as other mountain ranges in Wyoming, but are the first major mountains that will be seen when road-tripping westbound across the northern plains. Peaks soar to over 13,000 feet. Beautiful alpine lakes reflect peacefully. Meadows are carpeted with wildflowers. Dramatic cliffs tower thousands of feet overhead. Wildlife sightings are frequent. The Cloud Peak Wilderness is the main backpacking attraction of the Bighorns and my planned route would show me a small corner of this beautiful wilderness. I arrived at the Circle Park Trailhead...

@Eric details 2 trips exploring the Big Horn Mountains and Cloud Peak Wilderness in Wyoming - you can take a look in Issue 49:

Exploring Wyoming’s Breathtaking Bighorn Mountains

Backpacking in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming

Issue 49 Page 1

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