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Hi! From Texas!!


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I am originally from New Mexico. I spent half my childhood on the mountain where my dad was raised. We did plenty of hiking and fishing. Spent all day up and down the river and on the hillside. We also did a small bit of bouldering with my stepdad. We did a lot of camping as well. We didn't have a lot of money, so the outdoors was our entertainment. Loved it! I crave it to this day! I cant get enough of it! I love to disconnect and unplug! I could really care less about modern amenities. Well...except for my phone...but even that has to be tossed aside too! Moved to Texas. A small town with a long river and a lake. Spent my time on the water. I take my family quite often. They aren't as fond of the outdoors as me though. LOL! My kids have graduated and I am almost ready to start my second act. My youngest will be 18 in several months. So I am planning a trip to celebrate many accomplishments. Not just my accomplishments. My husbands, mine and my kids accomplishments. The 3 of them are awesome and couldn't have had it any better! I hope to learn about long and short thru hikes. Hope to read some interesting stories. 

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