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Backpacking the West Coast Trail

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

As my son and I took the mandatory trail class by Parks Canada we were warned of many things that one might encounter. Along the shore there were the tides that can block beach routes and river crossings, fast changing surge channels that were responsible for the only death documented on the trail, and the remote possibility of a tsunami. Along the West Coast trail, time and logistics turns more by a maritime clock, whether by tide or ferry. The trail itself owes it creation to the sea, initially created as mariner rescue trail alongside the northern, lee shore to the entrance to the strait of Juan de Fuca, also known as the ship "graveyard of the Pacific". Along the shore sections of the trail metal bits and pieces of these wrecks can still easily be seen…

Jim Grob details this scenic trip along the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, Canada – Read the full article below in Issue 15:

By Land, and by the Sea, the West Coast Trail

Issue 15 Page 1

Backpacking the West Coast Trail, Canada

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yet another hike to put on the bucket list. Reminds me of the hikes along the coast in Olympic NP but with more apparatus.

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Yet another hike to put on the bucket list. Reminds me of the hikes along the coast in Olympic NP but with more apparatus.

Same here. I've heard about this trail plenty, and it sounds amazing!

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I did the West Coast Trail just about a month ago. Was an awesome trip. It's the first time I've done a trip of that sort. Prior to this it was only in and back out to the trailhead and my car type of trips, or loops that only take 2-3 days. It definitely sparked a desire to do something longer. Once out there I didn't want it to end. I wished I would have arranged a resupply box so I could have turned around and went back

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks. I wrote the piece in May on the West Coast trail...wondering if anyone had any follow up questions/comments?

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