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Zpacks Hexamid


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Aaron, I noticed in the latest issue I see what appears to be either a Zpacks hexamid solo or solo-plus tent. I recently purchased the solo plus and am awaiting it's arrival. I was wondering what you experience has been with it? My main concern is whether it will handle winds well. Thanks! and keep up the great work!

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Hey WanderAR, that's a Zpacks Hexamid Twin which is my current go-to solo or solo with my dog shelter setup. When that picture was taken it was actually pretty windy but the spot was well sheltered...I usually find that I'm able to locate some type of wind break to at least knock the wind down a little.

I was initially concerned about the wind capability of the tent as well, and I've set it up in winds gusting over 50 mph as a test...The tent held up great, the challenge was keeping the stakes in the ground! Never had a problem with wind in the field other than it being a little difficult to actually setup when it's windy but that's the case with all the tents in my collection. :D

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Thanks for the feedback Aaron! Your experience makes me feel a little better. I'm excited about the things that Joe over at Zpacks is doing but the cost makes me question things a bit. I'm sure it will prove to be an excellent shelter.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Yeah, a shelter from ZPacks is definitely an investment. I like cuben as a shelter material for its other benefits besides weight...No stretch / sag and stays taut, can see the night sky through the roof, seems like I have fewer issues with condensation...Only downside for me is cost. Their newer Duplex and Triplex tents are really interesting for a larger shelter as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We'll I received my hexamid the other day. It was quite an investment but it is a palace for 20oz (including stakes, guys, and double bathtub floor). Pretty happy with the initial reveal. I was however, a bit disappointed in the construction. While everything is sound and solid I was surprised to find some wavy stitching and rough edge cuts. Design and use is spot on though. I typically hammock hang but am gearing up to hike the Teton Crest trail this summer. I haven't posted any trip reports in quite a while but hope to post a great report after I get back late August.

Curious what other forum members impressions of zpacks equipment is?

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Hey WanderAR,

Definitely looking forward to the trip report! Hopefully the Solo Plus works out well.

I have the Hexamid Twin, a Blast 30 Pack, their 20 degree bag, and 2 Multi-Packs and I've been happy with the construction of each. Maybe most importantly they've all held up well in the field as well. (My Hexamid Twin stuff sack did actually just need to be retired, but this seems to happen to all my shelter stuff sacks no matter cuben / sil or manufacturer) I think all of their gear has a handmade feel, at least upon close inspection, but it's actually something I like. In the end I feel as though everything I personally have from ZPacks is well made, however I'd definitely reach out to Joe at ZPacks if you're concerned, in my experience he's been great to deal with.

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As I mentioned the construction is solid so I am not really concerned. I think the products zpacks is putting are cutting edge so I am willing to accept that handmade feel. It just seemed a bit off. For instance, I have some quilts from HammockGear.com and their construction could pass for a factory finish. I would take a cottage manufacturer almost everytime vs. mainstream. Their products are just that much more in touch with the market.

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