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Piebald Deer

Bobo Uzala

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I've been fortunate to be following a piebald deer in our area for the past 3 years. I didn't even know what a piebald deer was until I first saw her! Here are a couple of videos of Penny and her herd from a few nights a go. (and my first attempt at videos on the 'Groove - here goes).

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Until checking out your site yesterday, I don't recall ever hearing the term piebald. In the dog world, some old timers call a black and white scattered pattern "Irish spotting". But the deer in your video really looks unique! Does his family group (herd?) accept him as is?

Gary M


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Gary M - She has definitely been accepted in the herd. Every sighting I've had of her over the past 3 years, she has been with other deer. In fact, I've seen other deer in the herd "shield" her when humans are around (unless that's just in my mind). I'm no deer expert, but it is fascinating!

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