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Wolverine Canyon

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

"There is nothing in the desert, and no man needs nothing." This quote from the 1962 classic film Lawrence of Arabia bears relevance as I approach a place as remote and potentially perilous as Grand Staircase-Escalante in the middle of a hot summer. I suppose the 'nothing' in that quote could be validated in the literal sense. I'm not going to find something tangible that I require to continue existing. I will, however, encounter some things that I want. Beauty, solitude, adventure…

Sean Sparbanie heads the Grand Staircase-Escalante, take a look at the full article in Issue 19:

Exploring Grand Staircase-Escalante – Wolverine Canyon

Hiking Wolverine Canyon, Utah

Issue 19 Page 1

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  • Premium Member

Great writeup! I've actually been researching both the Ruby Mountains and Wolverine Canyon/Little Death Hollow in recent months. TG must be reading my mind!

Little death hollow looks like an absolute blast, with a return trip up Wolverine Canyon. Throw in a little side trip to the Escalante river, and you got yourself a perfect weekend!

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