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The Fine Art of Meal Doctoring

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

There is something almost magical about creating your backpacking meals from scratch. Backpacking meals become a culinary treat. Something beyond just “boil, stir, eat” that is typical of most backpacking meals. But what if you are pressed for time? Or on an extended hike and you are resupplying as you go? Preparing meals ahead of a time may not be an option. So what to do if you want something tasty at night, or in the morning, and want something beyond the standard Mac n’ Cheese or Ramen noodles...

Tips on bringing standard backpacking fare to the next level from @PaulMags, take a look in Issue 36:

The Fine Art of Meal Doctoring

Backpacking Meal Doctoring and Recipe Additions

Issue 36 Page 1

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