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BakePacker Recipes


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Anyone know a good source for BakePacker recipes? Scour as i may all i can find are ones from the website and the manual. I generally only carry the thing when im doing more camping than hiking but ide love some more ideas to use with it.

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I've only seen recipes here and there so I'm not much help. However, I was considering getting a backpacker. How do you like it and what do you cook with it most?

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Ingredients and the plastic bags required make it a bit of a luxury item for me but it does make a cold rainy night nicer. I do scrambled eggs, pizza, rice, crude cobbler, corn bread, cake. A stir fry like dish with what ever we could find in the field became a bit of a tradition with me and a few ex-bsa bushwalkers.

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Corn bread and cobbler. That is exactly why I wanted one. Those happen to be two of my favorite dutch oven camping foods when I was a kid and I've always wanted them now that backpack. Sorry for getting off-topic, but I appreciate the information.

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I experiment at home and use my MSR dragonfly and 1.4L pot that I normally use, to cook it in the kitchen.

There are a lot of "add water only" prepackaged mixes that work with a little ingenuity that work in backpacking pot. The backcountry oven is something I've been looking at but haven't picked up one to try it yet. Good or great food on backpacking trips make a huge difference to me!

I bring sea salt, pepper, onions, peeled garlic and mushrooms, fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, oregano, etc..and olive oil. boil water and hydrate a prepackaged dehydrated meal. Chop, sauté whatever goes with meal and add hot hydrated meal in pot or add to pouch and it adds a fresh touch and another layer of flavor to your meal.

Doesn't take much to make an average meal taste great!

Bacon jerky, broken up in bits and fried a bit in pot added to backpacker pantry egg meal is another fave.

Adding instant apple and spice oatmeal to a pancake mix is another favorite breakfast fuel! Pack some blueberries, strawberries brown sugar or peanut butter for toppings and little squeeze packs of syrup.

Chop and sauté mushrooms, Chop, blanche and add half a head of broccoli and good size chunk of cheese to a onion soup mix and boom!

Cobbler!!!! self rising flour, a can of peaches (With juice)dehydrated, then rehydrated

oil pot, Mix flour to med goofiness, add to pot, slowly pour in rehydrated peaches and really low flame and cover with lid tightly. Tall heat shield helps get the heat to top of pot (Tough to to get perfect and may have crispy bottom without oven, but it works!)

Argentinian fry bread! little bit of oil and plop in bread blobs, flip as necessary, use lid as much as possible to trap heat.

Similar with cornbread (need to make cornbread a bit thicker than normal) and awesome with chili! little honey squeeze packets and winner!

So many ways to make simple dishes much more flavorful! Imagination is your limit. Experiment at using your backpacking gear at home really makes doing it "on trail" much easier! Eat well, hike hard!

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