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Chocolate Cheesecake Smoothie Backpacking Dessert Recipe




After a cold day of backcountry skiing, a sheltered spot is found for a campsite. A snug spot located in the trees, it has an excellent view of both Mitchell Lake and the Continental Divide above. The shelter is soon erected, warm and dry clothes are changed into, and the stove is fired up. Dinner is cooked and consumed. But it is not quite ready to be called a night. The sun is setting and the alpenglow on the mountains is delightful. The stove is fired up again. A drink is quickly made. A warm and delicious beverage completes the night. Life is good.

Chocolate Cheesecake Smoothie Backpacking Dessert Recipe

Is there anything better than a hot chocolate cheesecake smoothie to drink in the cold winter night?

A chocolate cheesecake smoothie is a combination beverage and dessert that is perfect for any backcountry winter activity. Yummy and full of calories, it is ideal for helping to keep the inner furnace stoked until morning comes.


At Home

Take all ingredients and place in a re-sealable plastic bag. Shake and mix thoroughly.

At Camp

Pour mixture into a 16 oz. mug or a Nalgene bottle, add hot water and stir. Add enough water until the desired consistency is reached. Want it thicker and more dessert like? Add less water. Want it more beverage-like? Add more water. I personally like it on the beverage side of the smoothie equation as it helps to hydrate, too.

The cheesecake smoothie is very versatile. Add your favorite instant coffee to make a mocha. Or brew up some very strong fruit flavored herbal tea and make a berry-flavored cheesecake smoothie instead. Double the recipe to share with friends.

Going on a day Nordic ski tour? Make this tasty treat at home and throw it into a Thermos. The delicious goodness will be appreciated for sure.

Editor's Note: This recipe by contributor Paul Magnanti originally appeared in Issue 20 of TrailGroove Magazine. You can read the original article here.



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